God's Got This!

 By Monk Christi Levannier

Being professed a monk in 2020 has been a huge leap of faith on a big springy diving board into the Vast Unknown of Divine Consciousness.

I’ve been gifted with multidimensional limitless God portions and opportunities, and have been shown myriad of places where I’m still growing in trust and depth with The Divine. It is an ever expanding consciousness journey this relationship with God. As if I’m being asked over and over “Will You trust me now?” And “Will You trust me with this thing you care so much about?”

One such opportunity arose recently…

My cat Felicia brought to me a wounded nestling baby dove. It was injured and had 0 feathers.

Its injuries appeared to be scrapes from falling from the nest.

At first I thought it was a duck because I had never seen a baby Spotted mountain dove before. It had a huge beak and was so strange looking.

I tried calling many veterinary hospitals (this was right toward the end of covid) and most vets were closed, and no one even had any info on how to care for this mystery baby….

I prayed hard in those first few hours as I googled how to care for a baby bird….

My Guides filled in the blanks with their version of baby bird first aid… They told me “Mix a little fresh Aloe Vera meat, with a pinch of turmeric, and a smidge of neem powder. Make a paste and apply this to his injuries.” Which I did… realizing he had a good chance of not making it.

I had to feed him every two hours and that was very complicated! I had no idea how mama doves feed their babies from their neck crop…Google saved his life that time.

So Little Dove grew up and he is now flourishing and thriving in the jungle behind our house here in Hawaii.

However one day recently, he did not come up to second floor balcony, for his usual feeding times and he was gone all day. I knew something was very wrong. I put prayer requests out to all the Celebrating Life prayer team and I heard God say. “I’ve got this.”

That was a huge relief and yet my mind and heart were racing with fear and worry. So much so, that I was having a hard time listening to Spirit and trusting. The next day still no sign of Little Dove, which so happened during a Celebrating Life Zoom Retreat starting the same evening and all the next day. I put prayer requests in for Little Dove to be ok, and at least let me know what happened to him. I felt so much more Peace when I let go and let God in trust.

The next day… Padre Prayed during the retreat for all the pets in our community.

And I then knew that Little Dove was well covered with prayers, and would come back.

Sure enough, at the break, I heard his coos calling for me. I ran down to the garden area where he was. He couldn’t fly up to the deck because of his injuries. He had been attacked by a hawk and was not in good shape.

But he was alive and I knew I could now at least take him to the new avian vet, which just so happened to be open the very next day. The vet didn’t know if he would make it but we gave him antibiotics, and the showers of prayers kept him alive.

And guess what, he made it! And he even has a dove-wife now. They are currently nesting, aka expecting.

Dear wonderful reader, during these times of great change on our shared planet earth, there is so much flux; our country’s politics, the climate, financial systems, people dying, and nothing seems certain.

One thing I know for certain is what I heard: “God’s Got This.” This shows me that whatever it is you are concerned with…when you pray and connect to The Consciousness of Your Divine, you are connecting to The Eternal energy that flows through all things.

When you ask God for support, guidance, comfort or a miracle… as Mother Theresa said, ”God is already at work for you, behind the scenes.”

I’d love for you to join me on Monday Oct. 7th as I will be leading a free tele-service with co-hosts Stephanie Sword, a student with Celebrating Life Ministries, and Monk Rob Regimbal. Together, we will celebrate the great news: “God’s Got This!” Register and learn more here.


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