God Frequency

 By Rev. Darlene Antoniewicz

God Frequency.

The Divine Mother Earth has been taking action steps to let us know how fragile She is. She has been rearranging Herself through fire, floods, hurricanes, and blistering heat. And until we attune consciously to Her healing intention, the chaos will continue. She Is cleaning house. So what can we do to heal Nature? The planet, and each other? What is that frequency of God?

When I first became a honeybee keeper, I learned from that these powerful intercessors of buzzing life they did not speak words, but frequency. These ancient Beings of Universal consciousness embodied the mysteries and miracles of the Divine. Creator God. And as I believe we are all one with God, we embody it too. The Great Compassionate Light. But do we embrace and share the gifts – the graces we have incarnated with? (1 Corinthians 12:8-10 “wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirit, speaking in tongues, and interpretation of tongues”). Would our perception of reality look like it does?

A while back, I was drawn to study Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel. (My interpretation). I knew he was commissioned to create it, but my interest was not in how this extraordinary man would create, fall off the scaffolding many times, break bones, climb right back up, and live to tell about it! Yes. He felt the effects of a mortal body. But he also knew the frequency of God. Where the Mysteries and Miracles are. Within All of us.

It is time for all of us to be Who we came to this planet to be. We are called. Take authority. Love yourself. Own your limited time here. To heal we must serve (“I slept and dreamed that life was joy. I awoke and saw life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy”. Rabindranath Tagore).

To conclude, I offer this prayer: “Divine Holy Mother, Holy Spirit. Touch my face with your Love so I know you are here. Cover me up with your blanket of prayer and protection. Whisper the secret words to my heart that only you and I know. I am safe in your arms and always loved. Always. Love. Ameen”.

Rev. Darlene Antoniewicz, RN
CLM Ordained Minister

Join Rev. Darlene Antoniewicz, Rev. Pat Hansen, and Rev. Barbara Christina for a free tele-service, "God Frequency", on Monday, September 9 at 7pm central. Find more information here.


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