Love Holds No Grievances

 By Student Wende Grant

I had a situation this summer that drudged up some old dark emotions that I have not had to deal with in many years.

One of the people who I love most on earth was suffering from a tremendous amount of emotional pain caused by another person’s actions.

I did all I could to help this person through their difficult time, but there was a point when they were having suicidal thoughts. I spent most of my days trying to help them see that they would get through it, that this moment in time would pass.

It was gut-wrenchingly painful and it began to break me, for there were many days when I visualized what the funeral would be like if this person were to actually take their own life.

As a young Aries/Fire sign, I had a short temper growing up and it took me a long time to learn how to handle my belligerence. The pain and sadness that ran through me from this difficult situation eventually turned into my old friend...ANGER.

I remember one day in particular when I was so overwhelmed with angriness that I just had to go outside for a walk. I was seething as I walked with such anger spewing out of me, that I literally felt my entire being grow. It was as if I had become the enraged version of the Jolly Green Giant.

There I was, this huge irate version of myself, pounding the pavement feeling such madness at this person who hurt my beloved. It quickly became an out of body experience where I was watching my body from above stomping down the street, feeling as if I was shaking the earth with every step I took. I remember wondering if my neighbors could feel their homes trembling as I pounded down the street.

All of the tools that I teach as a Soul Mentor went out the window, they were all gone. I was so overtaken by anger that I envisioned myself at the funeral of my beloved, running into the unconscious person who hurt them, and punching them with all that I had over and over again. I remember the feeling of my eyes being so wide open that it felt as if they were going to pop out of my head.

At that moment, I begged God, Blessed Mother, my guides, and all the Healing Angels to come take this pain from me and from my beloved, for I could no longer handle this suffering all by myself. I was broken to my core. I had to hand it over to the altar of God’s Love, for I hated who I was becoming. This was not who I was, nor who I wanted to be.

As I watched my-self from above my body, I suddenly felt my all-loving Blessed Mother Mary come into my space as if she was giving me a giant hug to put out the forest fire that was burning through every fiber of my being.

I slowly came back into my exhausted body and walked home crying hysterically releasing the sadness, the pain, and the anger.

When I got home Mary guided me to go back to my book, A Course In Miracles, so I ran to find my copy and was guided to open to Lesson 81 and 82 where it says:

“I am the light of the world. Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world. Love holds no grievances:

Grievances are completely alien to love. Grievances attack love and keep its light obscure. If I hold grievances I am attacking love and therefore attacking My Self. My-Self thus becomes alien to me. I am determined not to attack My-Self today, so that I can remember who I am.”

How profound it was for me to receive such a direct message from the Divine at the exact moment I needed it. Reading that passage immediately shifted my energy, for I had entirely forgotten who I was, I was completely alien to My-Self. I cried my eyes out the rest of that day.

I quickly dove deep back into this sacred work that I love so much to reconnect with my soul, to relearn the Art of Forgiveness, and to remember that I sincerely do have total Faith and Trust in God’s Divine Plan.

Even though my judgement felt otherwise, I began to understand that this person who hurt my beloved so badly had no idea what they were doing. They truly believed that they were doing the best they could.

I went back to my go to tool whenever I need to forgive and repeated over and over and over again, “Forgive them Father for they know not what they are doing”.

I then took part in two Celebrating Life Retreats that were such a huge release for me. I also got help from my teachers which really helped bring me back to my center.

Even in the worst of times, it’s important to remember that everything in life happens for a reason. I truly believe that all of life's experiences are an opportunity to learn, grow, and evolve for our highest healing and highest good.

No matter how far you are on your spiritual journey, falling from Grace can happen to anyone. Whether your family, friends, mentors, or whoever God is to you, it is so important to reach out for help when you need it! For life continues and hardships will happen, yet it is how we receive and deal with life’s challenges that makes us who we are. We always have a choice.

As for my beloved, over five months have passed since then; they are thriving and in a much better place.

Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God!

I found this short video below that has a simple and meaningful lesson on Forgiveness, I hope you enjoy it!!

With Love & Blessings To You All,
Wende Grant


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