Messages from the Blue

 By Acolyte/Student Karen Rippens

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One of the most amazing things in my life is how my prayers are answered. I haven’t always prayed. Even though I’ve been a spiritual seeker most of my life, the concept of God didn’t enter into my conscious experience until recently. My intuition was non-dual – that all beings are one - but somehow that never included a higher power.

About eight years ago, just out of the blue, I had a series of conversations with God. Spirit showed me that fear of abandonment was behind my atheism, and that it was me who had turned away from God, not the other way around. In the final conversation, I realized that what I had always wanted more than anything else was to love and serve God. I didn’t immediately know what to do with this sudden about-face, but before long I heard about Celebrating Life and began to attend retreats.

At an early retreat, it became obvious that Spirit was guiding my steps. At the time I was taking classes at FSD, Dana’s school. As I took my seat, I began to set my space using tools I learned there. Suddenly in my inner hearing, a loud voice said “Stop doing!” I paused for a moment but didn’t understand what it meant so I resumed. The voice came again, this time commanding, “STOP DOING!” It was the beginning of guidance about being a “doer”, my habit of trying hard to get things done through self-reliance rather than relying on the power and grace of God.

I have learned that it is okay to ask for help, for guidance or healing, and even for parking places! I frequently ask for help with prayer, as it has become my mission in life, my service to God and the world. I ask for help from my guides and my saints, but mostly from my companion the Holy Spirit, and often God directly. Guidance comes in various forms of messages. Sometimes I hear them or know them in my inner knowing, or see them as little visions, or hunches, or communications from other people. Help always comes, sometimes right away, sometimes not for a while. But when it does come, it is obvious for what it is.

In the last year, I have received a number of instructive and inspiring messages. One night I asked the Holy Spirit to guide me in prayer. I heard “You don’t actually let yourself be guided very often.” I listened and heard to praise God as I pray. I felt Spirit respond with joy and my joy increased as I began to praise. The intimacy of communion became sweeter.

During a summer retreat, I repeatedly received the message that it's just simple. It isn’t about doing or even being. Prayer and communion are so simple that they are almost impossible to describe except to say that they are blissful. They require nothing more than openness and receptivity.

A few weeks later I found myself thinking “Thank you for praying through me”. I realized that it is God that prays, through me, through all of us. This little communication obviated the need for effort. It was a profound gift.

Soon I again felt the need and asked for guidance. I wasn’t sure what I should be doing now. Doing! While Bobby was praying during a zoom prayer service I fell into a trance-like meditative state. Suddenly I was in a light-filled space and heard Bobby say “Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet and a Light Unto My Path”, from Psalm 119. As I saw the path ahead of me light up, I knew this was an answer to my prayer. It meant that all I need to do is pay attention to God’s word and God will do the rest. It was a variation of the same message I always get. Stop doing. Effort is not necessary. It isn’t about doing or even being. Simply give your attention to God and God will take care of everything.

Holy Spirit guided me in writing this post. Thank You, God!


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