A Miraculous Consciousness

 by Rev. Susi Roos

Everyone defines miracles differently and what one person declares miraculous, another might consider a well-nurtured, decreed, beseeched or simply a natural outcome. Until recently, I have been of the school that miracles are occurrences that unfold due to natural or divine law we have yet to knowingly harness, understand or perhaps even know exists. I used to think such laws and the harnessing of such occurred outside of myself – meaning by a Divine force, far vaster, wiser and more knowledgeable than what I could possibly possess or be. Hence the prayers, the conversations, perhaps even the begging or beseeching – certainly the appealing to something/someone outside of me to intervene on my behalf or on the behalf the one being prayed for.

Much of that has changed as I continue to go deeper into the question or rabbit hole of who we are – or more formally who and what I AM. Many years ago, I read in A Course in Miracles (ACIM) that miracles were simply a change in perception. Intellectually, I struggled with what that meant. Now I know what that means to/for me.The changed perception is really knowing and owning who I AM. (or at least beginning to do both).

My changed perception is that there is NO THING outside of me and the holiest of holies resides in me (as does every other being/circumstance with whom I’ve interacted – whether perceived as a gift, a challenge or even a curse or punishment.) Quantum physics helped me get a foot into the doorway of this inner temple when I learned that matter (us, our physical expressions, bodies, our brains, etc.) do not create consciousness. Instead, it states with compelling evidence, that consciousness creates physical matter and experience.

As I learn to embrace this Truth and even temporarily embody it (until I don’t in a given moment, circumstance and thus disembody my Self and disconnect from Sacred Truth), I truly know anything conceived is possible since (higher) consciousness has dominion over all physical laws and outcomes. Right now, where I am on this journey of embodying Sacred Truth, such moments only let me know possibilities – not probabilities since they seem to come fleetingly and on the wings of Divine Grace far more than by my conscious intention. But each such real moment provides another etheric stone in the inner, holy sanctum I am intentionally erecting. That someone calls at the perfect time, the life threatening illness has “poofed” out of existence with the laying on of hands (thanks to Ron Roth and now Padre, that became frequent reality) or the faith of the sick person, that money shows up improbably and quite unexpectedly when seriously needed, that a nurse who is not on staff shows up at the bedside or the one who shows up on the deserted road to help a stranded person – I still marvel at these synchronistic occurrences and still tend to thank a Divine Force outside of myself. But more and more I am learning that my consciousness creates my experiences. And if I source that consciousness from the higher sacred self or inner temple, my experience of it is quite different than if it is my intellect or fearful self that is interpreting an event happening to me. Right now, I consider it a miracle (or really Divine Grace) when I access and operate from that inner sanctum. And I look forward to the time when I know it is simply, wonderfully and grace-fully the outcome of living from my inner sacred temple where I connect with the Divine I AM from which all worlds, experiences and outcome spring forth.


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