The Spiritual Practice of the Honeybees

 by Rev. Darlene Antoniewicz


Ron Roth used to teach us that God gave us dominion, or power over all the living beings here on Earth. Not to destroy, but “take care of it”. (Genesis 1:26). Ron was correct.

In early spring of 2019, the Divine Mother rested a message in my heart intuitively telling me I was to be a honeybee keeper in 2020. She concluded Her message with: “Manifesto”; and “Sermon on the Mount”. I had no idea how prophetic it would become for me.

In mid-April 2020, our 20,000 honeys arrived in robust style without incident. With one exception: Covid-19 and the Pandemic had just surfaced on the planet. We welcomed our honeys two weeks into quarantine. I soon discovered their innate language of frequency – personalized prayer – a tone with key access to its own ancient, collective consciousness. Our entire home transformed into a luxurious, magical, wildlife sanctuary. All held in the Ancestral Heart of Gaia.

After a successful first year of honey production, our apiary had grown to 60,000+ healthy honeys! As fall approached, I began preparing them for winter as temperatures dropped with snow inevitably on its way. While our mid-January hive checks were uneventful, what we would soon experience was unforeseen. An arctic Midwestern cold blast reared its brutal head to the tune of -41 below, followed by several days of snow and sub-prime weather. And yet another unexpected turn: Covid pneumonia. A major physical health challenge. And by the time we could get in the hives, we found all the honeys did not make it. With the weather shift, they had taken in moisture and couldn’t get back to core. I was devastated by this unexpected, profound loss. Thousands of bees suspended in their hives as a rite of passage. Ancestral. Yet, I could still understand their frequency: “Resilience, Darlene” (I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13). My prayers guided me back to the soul-to-soul conversation I had with our Holy Mother of “Manifesto” and “Sermon on the Mount” when She told me to become a beekeeper. Manifesto = Mission. Sermon on the Mount = “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth.” (Meek does not mean weak, but strong in surrender to the Holy Spirit).

The Miracle: Resilience.

The GOOD news: the next gen honeys will arrive first week in May! The first gen raised the bar, and when I walk in the Apiary now it literally is Holy Ground. They will help yet hold me accountable for the new babes. The honeys have survived thousands of years, produce gold that holds a mystery in itself, and instinctively know the survival of all Beings is Soul Consciousness: We are One. May we listen.

Darlene’s website will soon be launched. In the meantime, you may reach her by email:



  1. Darlene, what a beautiful relationship with the bees. I hope they thrive and you all bring each other joy. Nettie

    1. Thank you so much, Nettie! They are an inspiration. I know the Divine Mother has big plans again this year. She hasn't shown me the plans yet just to show up! Higher bar of accountability. Sending love. 🌻❤

  2. Darlene, what a beautiful relationship with the bees. I hope they thrive and you all bring each other joy. Nettie

  3. Darlene, what a beautiful relationship with the bees. I hope they thrive and you all bring each other joy. Nettie

  4. Darlene, how amazing that spirit guided you to bring this healing swarm into your path of prayer. They uplift your energy to an even higher frequency at the perfect time when our world is going through such turmoil. As you direct their group flight, they will gently bring love and healing as they enfold the plight. You work in union with our creator's beautiful creatures for the greater good of all. Thank you for sharing your gifts with this world.

    1. Not sure why my name didn't show, but this message is from Lisa Wiese


    2. Thank you Lisa! It means a lot to me! Interesting what is given when we allow the grace ❤to present itself, huh? 😎 love to you. 💛


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